Plant Index: Seminum / Rarium
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Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Woodland
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Astrantia major
Family: (Apiaceae)
(P) to 2.5′. Great Masterwort. Central and eastern Europe. No garden should be without this effortless and beautiful plant. Several greenish white, often blushed pink flowerheads each arranged in a dome with a “collar” of bracts. Dense clumps of divided basal foliage. Content in the flower garden or in the woodland. Summer blooming. Great in flower arrangements, too. Sun/partial shade. PC- 4 weeks. 4 & 7 for 4 weeks, then T2
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Annuals for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Atriplex hortensis var. rubra
Family: (Amaranthaceae)
(A) to 5′. Red Mountain Orach. Asia, Central and South Europe, North America. An ornamental Orach with glowing, blood red to purplish foliage. We love the striking, lance-shaped foliage almost anywhere in the garden. Tall, dense racemes of red-purple flowers are followed by decorative, terminal clusters of buff-coloured seeds that are wonderful too. Gently self-sows. Sun. Best sown in situ or 3 & T2.
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Alpine and Rock Garden
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Aurinia saxatilis (syn. Alyssum saxatile)
Family: (Brassicaceae)
(P) to 10″. Basket-of-Gold. Central Europe to Turkey. A mat-forming perennial with woody roots that features grey-green spatulate basal leaves to 5″ long and smaller linear-oblanceolate stem leaves. Bright yellow flowers in corymbose panicles bloom in spring. Particularly attractive in rock gardens, sprawled over rocks or cascaded over rock walls. After bloom, it will remain in the garden as an attractive ground cover unless the foliage dies back from hot summer conditions. Sun. 3 & T1
Category: Rarium | Sub-Category: Pots/Garden (overwinter indoors)
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Azorina vidalii
Family: (Campanulaceae)
(TP) to 18″. Azores Bellflower. Azores. Particularly interesting for the cool greenhouse. Thick fleshy deep green leaves give rise to a candelabra of two-inch waxy, dusky pink bells. Sun. 4 & T3
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Perennials for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Baptisia australis
Family: (Fabaceae)
(P) to 4.5′. False Indigo. Eastern United States. Great foliage plant forming large clumps of glabrous foliage on stiff, upright stems. The blue, pea-like flowers bloom in loose racemes in midsummer. Big, black, rattling seedpods remain throughout the winter. Sun. 2A & 4 & T2
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Perennials for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Baptisia leucantha
Family: (Fabaceae)
(P) to 3′. White Wild Indigo. Grows in dry woods from North Carolina to Florida. A sparsely branched, bush-like, herbaceous perennial with trifoliate, bluish-green, glaucous leaves. Dark flower stems give rise to erect racemes of small, white, pea-like flowers, up to two feet in length. Blooms in spring. The large, oblong, inflated seed pods are initially green but turn black, extending the show. Sun/partial shade. 2A & 4 & T2
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Woodland
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Begonia grandis subsp. evansiana
Family: (Begoniaceae)
(P) to 2′. Hardy Begonia. China and Japan. Pendant panicles of rosy pink blooms are held over attractive, coppery green foliage in late summer. The flower stems are tinged pinkish red and the slightly “lop-sided” leaves have a noticeable red venation. A joy in our Woodland Garden. Moist, leafy soil. Partial shade. 4 & T3
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Pots/Garden (overwinter indoors)
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Bellevalia romana
Family: (Asparagaceae)
Tender bulb to 10″. Roman Hyacinth. Southern Europe. This unusual treasure blooms in our Pit House in April. Purple-flushed stems hold tight, conical spikes of buds that open from the bottom up into flared, six-petalled, waxy white blooms with a pale green dab on the tepals and attractive, contrasting, navy blue anthers. The flowers are lightly scented with hints of vanilla, especially towards evening. The leaves are strappy and dark green, and more slender than a garden Hyacinth, but of similar form. 3 & ∆, then T1
Category: Rarium | Sub-Category: Woodland
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Boehmeria platanifolia
Family: (Urticaceae)
Perennial to 3′. Asian False Nettle. China, Japan, Korea. A subtle and unique plant for the woodland garden. The large, apple-green leaves have deeply serrated edges and are covered with tiny hairs, giving the plant an overall soft glow. The opposite leaves attach to the sturdy stems with contrasting red petioles. The leaves, in orderly pairs, are aligned at 90° to the pairs above and below. Tannish-green tassel, catkin-like flowers emerge from the branch tips in August and continue to droop into the fall. Partial shade. 3 & T2
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Woodland
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Boehmeria spicata
Family: (Urticaceae)
(P) to 4′. False Nettle. Discovered in Korea by Dan Hinkley of Heronswood Nursery. We love it in our Woodland, arching out of Pachysandra terminalis. Bold, nettle-like, jagged-edged leaves have pinkish red, thread-like, elongated flower clusters emerging from the leaf axils. A real curiosity. Summer blooming. Partial shade. 3 & T2
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Annuals for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Bupleurum rotundifolium
Family: (Apiaceae)
(A) to 18″. A carefree border plant. The Euphorbia-like flower is neon yellow surrounded by green bracts. Glaucous foliage is similar to that of Eucalyptus. Self-sower. Sun/partial shade. 3 & T2
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Perennials for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Calamintha nepeta
Family: (Lamiaceae)
(P) to 2′. Calamint. Europe and Asia. Loose mounds of deliciously aromatic foliage are literally covered from August until frost with dainty, lavender, and white, hooded flowers with a tri-lobed lower lip. The soft, mid-green leaves are attractive too, and in a well-drained, sunny pot it makes the perfect edge to path or border. Sun. 3 & T1
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Annuals for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Calendula officinalis
Family: (Asteraceae)
(A) to 18″. The pot marigold of all pot marigolds. The flowers smother the foliage throughout the growing season. The blooms are single golden orange and add intense colour to the flower border. It is one of our (many) favourites. Self-sows. Sun. 3, D & T2
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Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Perennials for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Callirhoe involucrata
Family: (Malvaceae)
(P) to 12″. Purple Poppy Mallow. Central United States. This Missouri native has attractive Geranium-like leaves, palmately divided into 5 to 7 finger-like lobes. The stems are procumbent and spread nicely along the ground. The solitary, upward facing, cup-shaped, five-petalled, magenta flowers are borne on axillary thin stems above the foliage. An attractive, spreading, drought tolerant perennial. Long blooming, from late spring to late summer. Sun. 3 & T2
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Shrubs and Vines
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Calycanthus floridus
Family: (Calycanthaceae)
Woody shrub to 6′. Carolina Allspice. Maroon, strawberry scented flowers. Fruits are hard, fig-shaped capsules. Good autumn colour. A tough and attractive shrub. Sun. PC- 8 weeks, 1 then 3 & T2 & Δ