Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Wildflowers
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Oenothera biennis
Family: (Onagraceae)
(A/B) to 4′. Common Evening Primrose. Eastern North America. A lovely native plant with erect stems of alternate, olive-green, lanceolate leaves up to 8 inches long and 2 inches wide. Terminal panicles of pale yellow, four-petalled, heart-shaped flowers with prominent stamens and a long green calyx, bloom from the bottom up. The flowers remain open from evening to early morning, but will remain open longer on cloudy days. They have a mild lemony scent, and bloom from mid-summer to fall on mature plants. Long narrow seedpods develop, which split open from the top to release many tiny, irregular brown seeds making it a prolific seeder. Useful for naturalizing in wild areas where their seeds will be devoured by small birds, particularly finches. Sun. 3 & T2