Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Perennials for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Heuchera villosa var. macrorhiza
Family: (Saxifragaceae)
(P) to 2′. Giant Maple-leaved Alumroot. Appalachia. Lush clumps of large, fuzzy, sharply pointed, palmately lobed, apple-green leaves are topped with airy sprays of small, creamy white flowers. Blooms late summer and well into fall. A most welcome sight at the end of the season. Moist, well-drained soil. Sun/partial shade. 4 & T2
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Perennials for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Inula magnifica
Family: (Asteraceae)
(P) to 6′. A good tough plant that is native to the Caucasus. Vivid, deep yellow, spidery daisies with golden centres add a bold presence in the border. Broad, rough foliage clasps the stem. Magnifique. Sun. 4 & T2
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Perennials for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Lathyrus niger
Family: (Fabaceae)
(P) to 3′. Black Pea. Racemes of purple-lilac, lipped flowers. Compound foliage, slightly yellow-green in colour with small, rounded leaflets. A delicately textured plant which nestles in amongst many other plants in our Garden. Sun. 2B & 3, D & T2
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Perennials for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Ligularia dentata
Family: (Asteraceae)
(P) to 4′. China, Japan. Orange, branched, daisy-type flowers. Dark reddish or plain green foliage with toothed leaf margins, some more deeply toothed than others. A welcomed sight en masse in the latter half of summer. Likes moisture. Sun, partial shade. 4 & T2
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Perennials for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Ligularia stenocephala
Family: (Asteraceae)
(P) to 4′. Native to Japan and northern China. With these variable plants, expect rounded or triangular jagged leaves, light or dark foliage and stems, and spikes of yellow florets. You can’t go wrong. Summer. Moist soil. Sun/partial shade. 4 & T2
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Perennials for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Lunaria rediviva
Family: (Brassicaceae)
(P) to 3′. Perennial Honesty. Europe. Sweetly scented, four-petalled, pale lilac flowers. Elliptical, slightly tapering seedpods mature to silvery, translucent cases used in dried floral arrangements. Tough and durable with large, handsome, pale green, cordate leaves. Partial shade. 3 & T1
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Perennials for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Lychnis chalcedonica var. albiflora
Family: (Caryophyllaceae)
(P) to 4′. A wonderful white form of the bright red Maltese Cross. Creamy white, five-petalled flowers with bi-lobed petals cluster at the top of erect stems. Blooms June and July. Sun/partial shade. 4 & T2
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Perennials for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Lychnis yunnanensis
Family: (Caryophyllaceae)
(P) to 12″. SW China. Loose corymbs of five-petalled, bright pink flowers on numerous long, thin, sticky stems which rise from compact rosettes of lanceolate leaves. A very attractive and long-lived plant. A welcome addition to the front of the border or for a larger rock garden. Sun/partial shade. 4 & T2
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Perennials for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Malva moschata
Family: (Malvaceae)
(P) to 4′. Musk Mallow. British native. Pale pink, open, five-petalled flowers with jagged-edges. Foliage is very finely dissected. Blooms throughout the summer. A quintessential cottage garden plant. Sun. 3 & T2
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Perennials for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Mentha longifolia Buddleia Mint Group
Family: (Lamiaceae)
(P) to 2′. Buddleja Mint. Eurasia. Narrow, soft grey leaves and long, lilac-purple flower spikes. This lovely herbaceous plant resembles a miniature Butterfly Bush. An essential part of our Flower Garden beds for both colour and texture. Long blooming. Well-drained soil. Sun. 3 & T2