Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Perennials for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Thalictrum lucidum
Family: (Ranunculaceae)
(P) to 5′. Shining Meadow Rue. Europe to temperate Asia. A Thalictrum with a neat twist. Shiny, angular, dark blue-green leaves have a geometric look to them. The soft, fluffy, creamy yellow panicles of flowers are quite unique. A long, summer bloomer. Sun/partial shade. 3 & T1 & Δ
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Perennials for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Thalictrum rochebruneanum
Family: (Ranunculaceae)
(P) to 6′. Lavender Mist Meadow Rue. An incredible architectural beauty from Japan. Loose panicles of deep lavender-violet, apetalous flowers with yellow stamens bloom throughout the summer months. Enjoys full sun or partial shade. 3 & T1 & Δ
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Perennials for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Verbascum chaixii
Family: (Scrophulariaceae)
(P) to 4′. Nettle-leaved Mullein. Europe and Russia. Numerous yellow flowers with violet stamens bloom in panicles. Grey-green, felted, and corrugated leaves form basal rosettes. Midsummer. Sun. 4 & T1
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Perennials for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Yucca filamentosa
Family: (Asparagaceae)
(P) to 6’+. Adam’s Needle. A native of Southeastern North America. Architectural, strap-like, sharply pointed, blue-green foliage with white, thread filaments curling along the leaf margins. In late spring, a flowering stalk that looks like a gigantic Asparagus spear, rises from the center of each rosette. Long, conical panicle of nodding, bell-shaped, glossy, creamy white, fragrant flowers are long-lasting. Fruits are elliptical dehiscent capsules. Yuccas will form a small colony over time from basal offsets. One of Miss Jekyll’s favourite accent plants, and ours too. Well-drained soil. Sun. 3 & T2
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Ornamental Grasses
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Carex muskingumensis
Family: (Cyperaceae)
(P) to 2′. Western North America. A trouble-free sedge that thrives at the edge of our Rock Ledge. Ribbed, ½-inch-wide leaf blades are pale green. Dense seedheads are persistent and attractive. Sun. 4 & T2
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Ornamental Grasses
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Chasmanthium latifolium
Family: (Poaceae)
(P) to 3′. Northern Sea Oats. A beautiful native grass producing branching stems with flattened, green, drooping spikelets in summer. These turn a bronze colour in autumn, as do the tufted clumps of flat-leaved foliage. Sun/partial shade. 4 & T1
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Ornamental Grasses
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Coix lacryma-jobi
Family: (Poaceae)
(A) to 4′. Job’s Tears. Southeast Asia. A “must-have” grass with apple green, strap-like leaves. Makes a great architectural addition to the flower border. String yourself a necklace with the shining, white to black, teardrop-shaped seeds. Sun. 3 & T2
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Ornamental Grasses
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Hystrix patula
Family: (Poaceae)
(P) to 5′. Bottlebrush Grass. This American native is widely adaptable, growing in sun or moderate shade, in clay or rocky soil. When the flowerheads open, the spiky florets stick out at right angles, just like a bottlebrush. Attractive until frost. Easy from seed. 4 & T1
This seed is either sold out or unavailable
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Ornamental Grasses
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Melica altissima 'Atropurpurea'
Family: (Poaceae)
(P) to 4′. Siberian Melic. Native to thickets and forest edges of eastern Europe. Dense, leafy clumps of mid-green foliage. Tall flower stems topped with loose, one-sided panicles of deep purple, overlapping spikelets. A terrific addition to our Red Bed. Summer. Well-drained soil. Sun. 4 & T1
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Ornamental Grasses
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Molinia caerulea
Family: (Poaceae)
(P) to 4′. Purple Moor Grass. A beautiful grass growing in a loose, vase-like form. From June on, the dense panicles dangle like purple and olive jewels. Moist soil, full sun. 3 & T1