Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Shrubs and Vines
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Clerodendrum trichotomum
Family: (Lamiaceae)
Hardy shrub to 10′. Harlequin Glorybower. Japan. Cymes of fragrant, white flowers with prominent stamens in late summer followed by pink seedpods, opening to expose metallic blue berries. A special beauty in both flower and fruit. Sun. PC- 4 weeks, 3 & T1
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Shrubs and Vines
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Clethra alnifolia
Family: (Clethraceae)
Shrub to 7′. Summersweet. Eastern North America. Creamy white blooms borne on current season’s growth in two to six-inch long, and ¾-inch wide, upright racemes. Lovely to look at, but even lovelier to smell with a delightful fragrance that perfumes the garden in July and August. Vibrant yellow foliage in fall. A carefree shrub with a dense, mounded habit. Moist, but well-drained soil. Sun/partial shade. 3 & T1
Category: Rarium | Sub-Category: Shrubs and Vines
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Halesia monticola var. vestita
Family: (Styracaceae)
Hardy tree to 60′. Mountain Silverbell. Southern Appalachia. Visitors to Stonecrop in early May always admire this beautiful tree in full bloom. A mass of pendulous, pink bells appear before the leaves fully emerge. Seed was collected from our specimen, which is var. vestita having larger, pink, bell flowers, whereas the species has white bells. Makes a choice understory tree. Rich, well-drained acidic soil. Well worth the wait. Sun/partial shade. 3 & 6
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Shrubs and Vines
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Hydrangea quercifolia
Family: (Hydrangeaceae)
Shrub to 8′. Oakleaf Hydrangea. This native of Georgia and Tennessee southwards is one of our all-time favourite “must have” shrubs. Forming full, rounded mounds of lobed and scalloped, oak-like leaves, it is graced in June with showy almost conical foot-long inflorescences of creamy white, often fading to soft pink with age. In fall, the large coarsely textured leaves develop rich hues of purple, scarlet and orange, providing some of the most vivid of autumnal colour. It grows better for us in some shade and with winter protection, as one would except from this southern belle. Prefers a moist, acidic but well-drained woodsy soil. 5 & T2
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Shrubs and Vines
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Hypericum ascyron
Family: (Hypericaceae)
Hardy shrub to 5′. Great St. John’s Wort. Asia and northeast United States. Two-inch, pale yellow, five-petalled flowers bloom in June against a backdrop of small, pale green leaves. Large seedpods follow. Attractive vase shape. Sun. 3 & T1
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Shrubs and Vines
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Rosa nutkana
Family: (Rosaceae)
Hardy shrub to 6′. Nootka Rose. Alaska to northern California. The single flowers are a clear lilac-pink with a prominent boss of yellow stamens. Dark, greyish green foliage and strong, relatively thornless, nut-brown stems. Foliage turns a fantastic yellow-orange-red colour in fall, followed by a heavy crop of globular, dark red hips. Sun. 3 & T2 & Δ