Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Perennials for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Eriophyllum lanatum
Family: (Asteraceae)
(P) to 18″. Oregon Sunshine. W. North America. This compact perennial forms a low cushion of silvery leaves up to 3 inches long that are irregularly divided into narrow lobes. Both stems and leaves are covered with white hairs. Brilliant golden-yellow daisy-like flowers rise on long, grey stems. Blooms freely in summer and attractive to bees and butterflies. Great in perennial borders, rock gardens and embankments. Well-drained soil. Full sun to part shade. 4 & T2
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Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Perennials for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Anemone hupehensis var. japonica
Family: (Ranunculaceae)
(P) to 2-½’. Japanese Anemone. Native to China, Japan. Basal foliage clump to 12 inches tall is comprised of 3-parted, dark green leaves on long petioles. Each leaf has large-toothed margins and is softly pubescent beneath. Long, upright, wiry, graceful, branching flower stems rise well above the foliage clump bearing single, cup-shaped, apetalous, two-to-three-inch flowers. Each flower contains five to seven showy, rounded, pinkish-white to pale rose-mauve tepals with a contrasting green, button-like center containing a ring of yellow stamens. Flowers from midsummer to autumn. This hardy perennial is beautiful in the woodland garden or border and planted in masses. Moist, fertile, humusy soil in sun or partial shade. 3 & 6 & T2
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Annuals for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Salvia patens
Family: (Lamiaceae)
(TP) to 2′. Gentian Sage. C & S Mexico. The upright, slender stems hold oppositely arranged, triangle-shaped foliage. Terminal inflorescences reaching 6-12″ tall emerge in early summer and bear 1-2″ long, showy, two-lipped, bright royal blue flowers into the fall. The blooms are attractive to hummingbirds, butterflies, and other insect pollinators. Introduced into horticulture in 1838 and popularized a hundred years later by the Irish gardener and botanist William Robinson (1838-1935). Well-drained soil. Sun. 4 & T2
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Annuals for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Papaver rhoeas ‘Mother of Pearl’
Family: (Papaveraceae)
(A) to 18″. Corn Poppy. This elegant and graceful strain was developed by Sir Cedric Morris. A beautiful mixture of pleated, crepe paper-like blooms in misty shades of grey, lilac, mauve, pink, soft orange, and white with a central black boss of stamens. The saucer-shaped flowers pirouette gracefully at the ends of the wiry stems. Easily grown from seed, it does not perform well in high heat and humidity and may require some light afternoon shade in hot summer climates. Deadheading spent flowers keeps the poppy blooming. Freely self-seeds in suitable conditions. Deer and rabbit tend to leave this Poppy alone. Well-drained soil. Sun. 4, D & T2
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Wildflowers
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Solidago speciosa
Family: (Asteraceae)
(P) to 5′. Showy Goldenrod. Central and Eastern North America. A robust tetraploid plant with densely clustered, soft yellow, 10-inch conical flower heads. The distinctive basal leaves are thick and paddle-like, becoming slightly smaller as they ascend up the stem. Blooms late August and September. Well-drained soil. Sun. 4 & T2
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Wildflowers
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Senna hebecarpa (sym. Cassia hebecarpa)
Family: (Caesalpiniaceae)
(P) to 6′. Northern Wild Senna. Eastern North America. Bright yellow, pea-like, five-petalled flowers with dark brown anthers and a prominent ovary covered with long white hairs. An erect, bushy shrub with grey-green to medium green compound leaves provides an interesting foliage display. Attractive, four-inch long, segmented dark brown seed pods open to release its seed. Blooms from July to September. Well-drained soil. Sun/partial shade. 1 & 3 & T3
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Wildflowers
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Hibiscus moscheutos subsp. palustris White
Family: (Malvaceae)
(P) to 7′. Swamp Rose Mallow. Eastern US. A lovely white version of the above with a dark pink centre. Late summer bloomer. 1 & 2B, then 3 & T2
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Wildflowers
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Hibiscus moscheutos subsp. palustris Pink
Family: (Malvaceae)
(P) to 7′. Swamp Rose Mallow. Eastern US. It is hard to believe this robust, lush-foliaged plant with incredible saucer-sized, rose-pink, crepe-paper blooms is in fact a hardy native. Late to emerge in spring, but once they do, they grow quickly and so require a moist fertile soil to really thrive – the edge of a pond or marsh, rich in organic matter is ideal. Late summer bloomer. 1 & 2B, then 3 & T2
Category: Rarium | Sub-Category: Pots/Garden (overwinter indoors)
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Araujia sericifera
Family: (Apocynaceae)
(TP) to 6′. Cruel Plant. South America. This twining, woody climber is another unique member of the Stonecrop plant collection. The softly hairy, stalked leaves and loose cymes of waxy flowers belie its sinister relationship to its pollinators. The five-petalled, white flowers are striped with two pink lines on each petal that act as a track to guide nocturnal moths toward the centre. The sticky pollen then traps moth’s proboscides and holds them until they either escape or perish, ensuring the transfer of pollen within the flower. An invasive species in many parts of the world, Araujia is not hardy here and thus can be safely cultivated as a handsome specimen for the warm glasshouse. We bring our Araujia outside in the summer to enjoy its fragrant and showy flowers, and in the winter we enjoy the unique fruits under glass. The large, leathery pods contain seeds tipped with a tuft of silky hairs, which give the plant its Latin species name of sericifera, meaning silk-bearing. Sun. 3 &T2
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Perennials for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Calamintha nepeta
Family: (Lamiaceae)
(P) to 2′. Calamint. Europe and Asia. Loose mounds of deliciously aromatic foliage are literally covered from August until frost with dainty, lavender, and white, hooded flowers with a tri-lobed lower lip. The soft, mid-green leaves are attractive too, and in a well-drained, sunny pot it makes the perfect edge to path or border. Sun. 3 & T1